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Colon Hydrotherapy

What is Colon Hydrotherapy? 

Colon Hydrotherapy is a safe, effective method of removing waste from the large intestine, without the use of drugs. By introducing filtered and temperature regulated water into the colon, waste is softened and loosened, resulting in evacuation through natural peristalsis. Twenty-five to thirty gallons of purified water are circulated through 5 feet of large intestine for approximately 45-60 minutes, while the client is comfortably laying on the colonic table. The application of abdominal massage and a warmed flaxseed pack applied to the abdomen helps to loosen accumulated waste and mucous on the wall of the colon, and in more extreme cases impactions. Softened feces and mucous are eliminated, odor free, encapsulated in disposable sterile tubing, through the lighted view tube within the colonic equipment and carried directly to the drain line.

The colonic extends from the sigmoid, across the transverse to the cecum, having the potential of hydrating, soaking and thus evacuating the entire large intestines. Although no preparation is necessary to receive a colonic, it is best used with cleansing herbs or fasting. It is now understood that up to 70% of our immune system lies in our digestive tract. Anyone who suffers from constipation, gas and bloating, abdominal distention, skin disorders, headache, fecal breath, toxicity, parasites or other similar symptoms may benefit from intestinal cleansing.

Colon Hydrotherapy: 1 Session $85,  3 Sessions $230,  6 Sessions $460,

Additional Combination Services:

Colonic Session with 15 minutes of Reflexology $105

Colonic Session with 30 minutes of Reflexology $125

Colonic Session with Ion Cleanse Foot Bath $115

Essential Oil Body Wrap $155

Essential Oil Body Wrap & Ion Cleanse Foot Bath $180

  • Licensed Colon Hydrotherapist

  • Member of the International Colon Hydrotherapy Association

  • I-Act Certified Teaching Instructor

  • NBCHT Board Certified

Call 321-698-1519 for an appointment



According to health professionals, 90 percent of Americans have impacted colons. This video is a must see for anyone who is concerned about their health and healing. Whether you're suffering from inordinate weight gain, chronic illness, fatigue, cancer, diabetes or any of a myriad of other disorders, cleaning your colon may be the answer to your return to optimal health and healing.